Srca izgubljenega upanja
Koni Awad
Kam leči in kam zbežati?
Zvok je visoko na nebu.
Zvok je na tleh.
Kateri je bolj strašen?
Kateri nevarnejši?
Zvok na tleh, seveda.
Preden se vsi poležemo s trebuhi navzdol,
nam pogledi uidejo k tlom,
kjer bomo eni pokopani ležali, ko bo Zvok prešel.
Rjovenje bombe določa naša življenja.
Preden pristane, so naša srca brez upanja.
Kamor je pristala, je upanje ali ga pa ni.
Zvok na tleh ustvarja zmedo.
Matere in očetje začnejo preštevati svoje otroke.
Brez hrane do noči.
Čakati zvok na nebu je edino dnevno opravilo.
Nekateri preklinjajo dan, drugi si želijo, da bi bile noči daljše od dni.
Zvok na nebu in zvok na tleh sta prežeta z vprašanji.
Zaspane oči se ozrejo v zrak.
Ali se vrača?
Kamo bo padla druga pošiljka bomb?
Bomo zvečer še živi?
Bodo luknje in jame, v katerih smo ležali, naši grobovi?
Kdaj se bo hudobno srce spreobrnilo?
Čigavemu glasu bo prisluhnil zlobnež?
Koliko nas bo preostalo po divjanju zlobneža?
Kdo bo ostal? Otroci ali starši?
Ali naš stvarnik zgolj opazuje pilota, čeprav ta ubija?
Izvirnik v angleščini:
The Lost Hope Hearts
By Koni Awad
Where to lay and where to run to?
There is a sound up in the sky.
There is a sound on the ground.
Which one to fear the most?
Which one is more dangerous?
Of course the ground sound.
Before everyone is laying down with our bellies,
our eyes look down on the ground which some of
us will be buried after the Sound.
The roaring of the bombing sound determines our lives.
Before it landed, our hearts have no hope.
Where it landed gives hope or no hope.
The ground sound makes confusion.
Mothers and fathers start to count their children.
No meal until night.
Waiting to hear the sky sound, is the only work of the day.
Some people curse the day, others wish nights can be longer
than days.
Questions upon the air and the ground sound.
The sleeping eyes rise and look in the air.
Is it coming back?
Where will the second round bombs be drop?
Will we be still alive until tonight?
Will the holes and caves we laid in, be our graves?
When will the evil heart be transformed?
Whose voice will be heard by the evil man?
How many of us will remain after the work
of the evil man?
Who will remain? Children or parents?
Is our creator watching that pilot even though he is killing?