Blue Nile Humanitarian Coordination Office
Summary of the Humanitarian and Human Rights Situation
Two Months Update: December 2012 and January 2013
The two months update cover the period between December 2012 and January 2013. The summery belowis based on assessments, observations and reports that are collected from refuges and Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in the region of Blue Nile. Despite the obvious difficulties involved in obtaining verified information from the conflict area of Blue Nile, the various teams of team of human rights and food security monitors are playing major roles to make visible the scale of atrocities and suffering civilians are facing. These monitors, including the consortium NGOs, who were trained and deployed throughout the controlled areas by SPLM/N, have contributed to the systematic flow of information, yet a lot of effortson capacity buildingare needed in order to receive regular, efficient and more professional reports.
In addition to recommendations, this two months update covers areas of aerial bombardment, Sudan Army Forces (SAF) military campaigns, National Congress Party’s (NCP) militias, IDPs and refugees situations, and the visit by the Baroness Cox to the Blue Nile
Aerial Bombardment
Indiscriminative aerial bombardment against civilian targets continues systematically and relentlessly.Below are some of the aerial bombardment incidents that took place during last December and January.
On 17 December 2012 Antonov airplane attacked Soda and Chali in Chali Payam dropping eight bombs.
On 2 January 2013 Antonovairplane attacked GozDoban in Wadaka, Famash in Mayak and Baldogo, dropping nine bombs, three bombs at each village. In Mayak, one of the bombs landed in a farm and immediately killed an old man aged 85 years old, while others bombs injured four people including a woman and two children and burned ten houses. In Baldogo the attack killed 28 goats and burned 10 houses.
On 23 January Antonovairplane attacked Ora, Girdang, and KhorAlbodi dropping three bombs in Orra and two on each of the other villages. No civilian casualties are reported but the farms were caught in fire and the local residents are living in terror fears.
On 21 January Antonov airplane attacked Yabus town dropping three bombs, no civilians casualties reported
Sudan Army Forces ( SAF) Military Campaigns
On the first of January President Omer Al- Bashier visited Damazin, the capital of Blue Nile State, on the occasion of launching the completion of the Rosairis dam heightening. On his speech to the public gathering, Al Bashir promised to clean the state from the rebels. Immediately, SAF and the allied militia have been ordered to capture areas controlled by SPLM/N including Yabus the strong hold of SPLM/N.
On the first week of January 2013 SAF continued shelling Ora, Badogo, Wadaka, Mayakand Surkum.
SAF troops and the allied militias moved into three directions accompanied with heavy artillery machine guns, tanks, gunship and Antonov airplane.
On 12 January a ground fighting took place in Mofu20 km west of Kurmuk, SAF retreated.
On 23 January SPLA repulsed another attempt of SAF moving to the areas of Ora, Surkum and Ulu.
National Congress Party’s (NCP) militias
On Friday 22 December, 22 members of Ismail kora’s militia raped 10 women and killing nine of them in Baw locality. All the victims are from the Ingassa tribe. Names of women survival for rape crimes are: Mam, Jamaaie, YabitJamil, Agar Hamid, Hawa Hamid, MaliesKaklo, SomialTelian, AminaTelian, NayielaSabit, GienaJakin and Haima Omar.
Ismail Kora militia was established around November 2011 by NISS as integral part of Popular Defense Forces ( PDF). Kora’s militiais active in the areas located East of Ingassan hills and the northern part of Kurmuk and Gessan localities. Kora’s militia and Kobigi militias (also active in the same areas) have committed many crimes in these areas, and some of the crimes were reported to Damazin main police station, but perpetrators were released after interference of NISS. Among the crimes that were committed by Kora and Kobigi militias are killing, looting of animals, and raping of women.
On 9 January 2013 Arab militia which wasassignedin mid of 2012by Ahmed Abass, governor of SinarState, killed Abdulrasul Adam Bali in Roro in Tadamon County.
The militia headed by Kamal Loma and James Bogo have participated effectively in the recent attacks. The two key militias are assigned by SAF who also provided them with support and weapon, were deployed in Tadamon County and trying to access to Maban County in South Sudan.
Internally Displaced Persons( IDPs)
The humanitarian and human rights monitors operating on reports assuredthat the IDPs total population in SPLM\N held areas remained as it was during last months; about 80,147. As the result of the current ground fighting and the continual Aerial bombardment the whole Blue IDPs situation turned to an obvious vulnerability.
As the aerial bombardment and ground fighting continued all IDPs whowere close to the front line zones and active confrontation areas North and West kurmuk moved into areas around KhorBashoomWest South Wadaka Payam, living under a pressing needs and difficult living conditions in which their situations is characterized bylack of food, shelters, medicine, and water.
More than 45 civiliansdied in Jirdan, south eastWadaka, Tanfona and Baldogu, because of starving and the lack of food and healthy water.
The Monday and Tuesday weeklymarket in Yabus and Moguff assisted much in maintaining IDPs primary needs such as salt, sugar, cooking oil and Dura that comes across the border from Ethiopia and the local markets around Yabus and Chali districts. But the continued aerial bombardment remained the grave threat to the continuation of these markets and it might stop at any time.
While humanitarian efforts led to positive improvement in situation of refugees’ camp; the recent outbreak of hepatitis E put many lives of refugees at risk. The infection appeared last year in Jamam and confirmed during registration in early December and continues to increase especially in the new camp of YosifBatil. In YosifBatil camp alone, the infection caused 1,908 cases, 39 refugees had died. Emergency measures are taken to curb the increase of infection, including construction of latrines, digging additional boreholes and more regular soap distributionsfor washing hands.
4-5 thousands new arrivals is expected to reach refugees camp as results of continued ground fighting, aerial bombing and hunger in the IDPs areas and aroundfighting zones. The new arrivals are also expected to cross the border in miserable conditions due to the long period of walking, starvation, and the diseases acute malnutrition among IDPs.
Visit of the Baroness Cox
The Baroness Cox, a member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament and the founder of HART organization, and MukeshKapila, former UN representative to Sudan and Special Representative of AgestTrust institution have visited the two regions of Blue Nile and South Kordofan during the week of 4th- 8th January 2013. Their visits to IDPs and refugees camps have left greater feeling of solidarity in the people of the two areas. The two important visitors in their speeches with IDPs and refugees, Baroness Cox and MukeshKapila have ensured their readiness to communicate and advocate for the civilians rights in protection, humanitarian needs and justice.
International intervention to stop aerial bombardment that is targeting civilians as part of civilian protection measures.
Putting pressure on the government of Sudan to allow unrestricted delivery of humanitarian assistants, including freedom of movement of humanitarian workers.
Making sure those who committed mass atrocities and crimes in the Blue Nile will hold accountable through an independent international investigation.