Tomo' speach on the event:
Grazie tutti. Wonderfull people, beutifull people I came to tell you a secret. I came to tell you, that the worst tool of extermination in the parts of Africa where big world powers are fighting for the natural resurces - is RAPE. RAPE is the worst gun in the places where people can not live any more, becouse we are there fighting for their natural resurces. In december, actualy first in april last year I suplied first five sets of video cameras, computers and satelite phones. In may last year we got report that there is less rape in the places where we suplied the cameras. So theire is possible help. We can help. If we want, we can help. We can help and protect the woman of Darfur and the children of Darfur which are the wors victims of the world as it is today. Cameras are the light in the darkness. In december with my friend Klemen MiheliÄŤ we returned back to Darfur. We supplied such a small cameras. Each camera cost in China 40 euros. This is nothing.
Wonderfull people, please come and help this people. It is very easy to do that. The humanitarian coordinator Suleiman Jammous is on our site. He is speaking what nobody in the world is ready to speak – even United Nations, no organisations, reporters, journalists. All are ashamed of this - becouse we are part of this. They do not want to speak about this becouse this is such a shame for the world in the year 2010. Please nice people come and help and support each camera, camera, small camera in each darfurian vilage.