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Tomo Križnar Foundation
Turistična 4
4202 Naklo



SI56 0400 1004 8620 172




Humanitarian Foundation H.O.P.E.
Letališka cesta 29
1000 Ljubljana


Donations for cameras and drones
SI56 6100 0000 1846 742

Purpose: Drones and cameras


Rotting 2022 - Trailer


Who are victims?

This are just small drones with cameras instead of rockets used usualy in their much biger versions to kill »terorists« in Afganistan, Pakistan, Somalia and also in Africa.

We are using »flaying cameras« to film vilages and local markets, scools and churches and mosques and common Nuba people of different Nuba tribes strugling to survive under Siege of genocidaries in Kartum and their supporters in Arab ligue, African Union, China, Rusia and even in USA and EU. We are using this sort of quadrocopters since january 2012 to film footages from the air and birds perspective we need for our new documentary film »Drones above Nuba«. We are producing this film to convince the still sensitiv part of the international community that majority of Nuba did not move to refugie camps across the border in the Republic of South Sudan - as president of Sudan Omar Bashir is laying traying to convince international community that that Antonovs, MiGs and rocket lounchers are bombing and sheling legimite targets of some bandits only. Not bandits, not just some moskquitos, as expresed by military and security staff and mercenery janjaweds in Khartoom - more then half a milion of indigenious Nuba, most of them woman, mothers and children and old people togheter with freedom fighters in the ranks of SPLA North are still resisting and honestly protecting the land of their ancient ancestors in South Kordofan against shemfuill international conspiracy traying to confiscate the minerals, water and good soil in one of the last pockets of indigenious life on Earth.

An example of Nuba democracy under the tree near the village of Kauda.
An example of Nuba democracy under the tree near the village of Kauda.
Nuba beauty.
Nuba beauty.
Our drone base in Nuba Mountains: solar panels, generators, laptops, satellite modems and drones.
Our drone base in Nuba Mountains: solar panels, generators, laptops, satellite modems and drones.
“Now is the most important to retain dignity!”
“Now is the most important to retain dignity!”
Father and son on the way. Where are you going Nuba?
Father and son on the way. Where are you going Nuba?
The villagers are cultivating their fields together. This cooperation they call Nafir. Nafir is collective entertainment with lots of Asida  - sorghum porridge and Marisa – local bear made from sorghum.
The villagers are cultivating their fields together. This cooperation they call Nafir. Nafir is collective entertainment with lots of Asida - sorghum porridge and Marisa – local bear made from sorghum.
School boys are all members of SPLA North (Sudan People Liberation Army)
School boys are all members of SPLA North (Sudan People Liberation Army)
Even school girls are members of SPLA North.
Even school girls are members of SPLA North.
The ruins of Nuba traditional houses after the bombardment and the first rain.
The ruins of Nuba traditional houses after the bombardment and the first rain.
The biggest grass roofs are supported with clay pillars inside the houses. In them Nuba keep sorghum. A smart way to protect harvest from insects and other animals.
The biggest grass roofs are supported with clay pillars inside the houses. In them Nuba keep sorghum. A smart way to protect harvest from insects and other animals.
Drawings of smallest children are expressing what they see around themselves. War and the enemy attacking them with superior technical armor.
Drawings of smallest children are expressing what they see around themselves. War and the enemy attacking them with superior technical armor.
Granite mountains are natural fortresses protecting Nuba all known history against slave hunters attacking from savanna.
Granite mountains are natural fortresses protecting Nuba all known history against slave hunters attacking from savanna.
Baobab and an old man, who obviously do not care for the fashion of the modern world.
Baobab and an old man, who obviously do not care for the fashion of the modern world.
Our quadrocopter above the ruins of an burned village in Nuba Mountains.
Our quadrocopter above the ruins of an burned village in Nuba Mountains.
Friendship and solidarity in the mountains under siege represent the most important values and guarantee security and survival.
Friendship and solidarity in the mountains under siege represent the most important values and guarantee security and survival.
Nuba shaman – Kujur.
Nuba shaman – Kujur.
Traditional Nuba see in drones something like flying eyes of an alien god.
Traditional Nuba see in drones something like flying eyes of an alien god.
Rocky floors made life possible without constant mud in rain season.
Rocky floors made life possible without constant mud in rain season.
A  moment of beauty in a war zone.
A moment of beauty in a war zone.
Baobabs are best friends to vulnerable Nuba families.
Baobabs are best friends to vulnerable Nuba families.
Quadrocopter and transmitter after the first rain in Nuba Mountains.
Quadrocopter and transmitter after the first rain in Nuba Mountains.
Children's happiness in the water holes after the rain.
Traditional cemetery in Buram. No christian crosses - broken clay water containers instead. Symbols of finished life.
Traditional cemetery in Buram. No christian crosses - broken clay water containers instead. Symbols of finished life.
“Why are you so sad, my dear girl?”
“Why are you so sad, my dear girl?”
Our friend Halim become a good cameraman.
Our friend Halim become a good cameraman.
Nuba school girls collecting autographs from a new drone pilot.
Nuba school girls collecting autographs from a new drone pilot.
Halim during presentation of a drone to the curious villagers in Tamatingo.
Halim during presentation of a drone to the curious villagers in Tamatingo.
Children expecting government Antonov  in the village near Um Dorein.
Children expecting government Antonov in the village near Um Dorein.
Motherhood is holly!
Motherhood is holly!
Awaiting bombardment in the village of Todoro.
Awaiting bombardment in the village of Todoro.
USAID sorghum being transported from the refugee camp Yida to the Nuba Mountains.
USAID sorghum being transported from the refugee camp Yida to the Nuba Mountains.
During the rain season a bicycle is a better transport vehicle then land-rover because it can avoid the most muddy parts of the way.
During the rain season a bicycle is a better transport vehicle then land-rover because it can avoid the most muddy parts of the way.
One of our drones in the hand of local girl.
One of our drones in the hand of local girl.
Returning from refugee camp Yida.
Returning from refugee camp Yida.
Most food is transported on the heads of women and girls.
Most food is transported on the heads of women and girls.
Sorghum is for the elderly who cannot manage two days long walk.
Sorghum is for the elderly who cannot manage two days long walk.
UNHCR airplane after landing on the airstrip in refugee camp Yida, some 60 km inside Republic of South Sudan.
UNHCR airplane after landing on the airstrip in refugee camp Yida, some 60 km inside Republic of South Sudan.
A boy with his cows near the border separating both Sudans.
A boy with his cows near the border separating both Sudans.
A boy with the shrapnel from a bomb that would kill him, if he had not hide inside a fox hole.
A boy with the shrapnel from a bomb that would kill him, if he had not hide inside a fox hole.
An old woman on the way to Yida refugee camp.
An old woman on the way to Yida refugee camp.
An old woman on the way to Yida refugee camp.
An old woman on the way to Yida refugee camp.
SPLA truck driver.
SPLA truck driver.
Mothers and children in the missionary hospital »Mother of Mercy« in Gidel, after MIG attack on May 6th.
Mothers and children in the missionary hospital »Mother of Mercy« in Gidel, after MIG attack on May 6th.
Girl Kony from our short documentary film on May 12th.
Girl Kony from our short documentary film on May 12th.
Nuba in the caves of Kowalib Mountains.
Nuba in the caves of Kowalib Mountains.
A grandmother and her grandson in their house in the village of Tadoro.
A grandmother and her grandson in their house in the village of Tadoro.
Nuba boy collecting cow shit in the village of Tadoro.
Nuba boy collecting cow shit in the village of Tadoro.
It is impossible to forget Nuba
It is impossible to forget Nuba's friendship and empathy.
Little drones with cameras.
Little drones with cameras.
Halim presenting drones.
Halim presenting drones.
Nuba have nothing to hide.
Nuba have nothing to hide.


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